The Almost Man
By LeoxNeoxford
  • Romance
  • action
  • adventure
  • almost
  • anderson
  • business
  • demiro
  • drama
  • gray
  • liz
  • love
  • man
  • mystery
  • romance
  • thriller


"There are times you win, there are times you lose. But there should never be a time you give up. Quitting is an option given to cowards who only know how to turn back and run. The powerful never quit. They move forward. I moved forward." Her stare didn't waver, didn't soften nor show any emotion. It stayed glittering in the darkness, slowly pulling him in."Then why do you look like you're ready to bolt?" "Oh, didn't I mention?" He smiled weakly. "I am now a coward." Life is good. Correction: Life WAS good. Well, at least for Gray Anderson. After the incident that transpired a year before, he had turn into a zombie. Scary zombie. The ghost of his past all-smile and positive self have become a passing memory, replaced by a depressing and angry hermit who doesn't want anything to do with the rest of the world. Tired and alone, he is driven to the edge by everything he went through. He's about to give up... Then his sense of obligation blackmailed him into doing the last thing he wants to do: Travel. Enters the queen of nosiness and hilarity, Liz Demiro. After receiving an offer to work for the top social magazine in the city, she's close to reaching her dream but she has to pass a test first. Her trial: write the latest story about the city's most popular crashed and burned businessman, who also happens to be her fantasy. Something she is and is not looking forward to. Both force into a journey they don't want to take, Gray and Liz will discover a new world, new people and what possibly might be, new love. Although, with an annoying boss, an old flame, a deadly assassin and especially, a persistent match-making mother on the side, their journey is about to be a bumpy one. Will they finally reach their stars and dreams or will they turn out to be just another blazing comets in the night, destine to burn out and disappear?


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The Almos...
by LeoxNeoxford