By LarryABradton
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • boyxboy
  • brother
  • death
  • family
  • friends
  • imagination
  • relationships
  • sacrifice
  • self


His extraordinarily life was an open book to everyone. Well, normal is quiet boring. He was going to die, and the continuous hunt was about to have its denouement. This is his, his and his story. Living his life as a regular teenager, a man seemed to encounter lots of unexplainable phenomena over his entire existence. As a loving son, a two-timer boyfriend and a compatible brother to Jenny and James, he thought life with them was perfectly imperfect. Banging his head with recurring migraine, the memorabilia of his unpleasant past was messing his present and surviving the unwinnable battle against death for the nth time was a gift from him. He was living immortal. Continuing the struggle, an unexpected guest will appear on him and will reveal the hidden secret that everyone has, the naked truth concealed with convincing lies. Who was he? Why was he monitoring him? What does he want? As the unbearable reality was about to be fixed and settled, time is the greatest enemy. They were running out of provisional probabilities. Gathering the topsy-turvy pieces of the jigsaw puzzle and connecting the interrelated points making a multidimensional equation, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Help me. -Larry


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by LarryABradton