"Stupid girl." I thought as freezing drops of rain poured from the sky, the howling wind causing soaked tendrils of her hair to whip across her frostbitten nose. Her beautiful muddy brown eyes were bloodshot from the tears she'd been trying so desperately to hide and the dirty clothes that clung to her body like a second skin caused shivers to wrack her body. Even though she stood in the middle of the road, with only street lights to illuminate her distraught figure. I had never seen someone so beautiful in my nineteen years. I'd seen her struggle through her entire life without ever asking for a helping hand. Like a leaf lost in a windstorm, she danced around, her body easily turning and twisting to appease even the most violent of changes without complaint, knowing that at some point the wind would die down and the sun would once more claim the sky, allowing her to rest before once again the wind changed direction. How was it a girl so seemingly free was nothing like the image she portrayed? How did no one notice she was pleading with whatever entity that controlled her fate to send someone to save her?