One Fake Jewelry
By sydney_espinueva
  • Romance


Sydney a loyal, smart, crazy in good hands while Joshua a weird, energetic, loud, and athletic boy. They began to have a outlet relationship going and began to get married. After five years together, happlily married Joshua's parents came over to their house. They have discussed on a family business and Joshua has to run the business before their financial problem gets in their way. Joshua and Trey were cousins and had to run the Jewelry company tmeselves and tend to ask a little help from their wives Sydney and Tasiah. Sydney and Tasiah were both cousin-in-laws. After spending together to run the company, they have a little argument. Tasiah stole he missing gold diamond jewelry and traded it for half of a trillion dollars without the permission of Sydney or Trey. Will Sydney win the business back before tasiah steals all the jewelry or the financial in their insurance? Will Tasiah be able to defeat?

Chapter 1

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One Fake...
by sydney_espinueva