Furious Hearts
By ENI-scribe
  • Romance
  • 3rdperson
  • american
  • billionaire
  • boss
  • british
  • chocolatetheflavour
  • ex-wife
  • exes
  • feminism
  • feminist
  • forever
  • hotheaded
  • interracial
  • love
  • mystery
  • office
  • past
  • romance


"E... Eddie..." She stuttered breathlessly. With his fingers prodding her womanly folds, he groaned. "Yes beautiful." Gina Marshall is a rich,powerful,no nonsense kind of woman. At 26 she has managed to take the family's empire to a whole other level. She's just perfect with her beauty, a brain for business and a body that any normal man would compare to a goddess's but then, she has not the time nor the heart to offer any man. It is all up in her past, caged,blocked,put away and no one dares bring it up. Until Eddie Raymond an equal of hers in every way shows up with all his wit and he must have her, so he decides. She realises his intentions and is ready to give him the hardest time of his life and the loathe? Will it turn to love? Will he have his way? What are the secrets? Why the facade? Then there is more drama to unfold. And may the weakest heart melt.

author's note

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Furious H...
by ENI-scribe