Phone calls to my e...
By Pfunzo18
  • General Fiction
  • angst
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Life works in mysterious ways. The front man of Pierced Ministry was adored and followed by many that he shouldn't be a mystery, but he was. On big billboards, fast high-life, different woman every night, who wouldn't hate him? River was just the kind of man that Rose Wilde was destined to despise. He was born from the asshole pot just like the rest of them. Yet the infamous man who couldn't take a step outside without being recognised ends up on her lap in a care home in the middle of nowhere with more mystery surrounding him than she cared to investigate. A man who had the world at his feet was broken and alone. How a star burned out was not something rose wanted to discover, she left her science lessons long ago. And as much as she thought he could choke on sand and it would please her to watch, he had become like a child and she, his begrudging guardian. Yet he pulls her in and she would do anything to watch him become himself again. No one said a star had a choice of when to burn right and Rose would show him how.


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Phone cal...
by Pfunzo18