Living in the world of Hetalia isn't always easy for you. There's America challenging you to drinking contests, rumors going around that China likes you, England's several different personas flying all over the place; plus Romano's been going all tsundere on you and then there's Spain practically beating up France and Prussia just for your attention. Has anyone ever mentioned how good of a kisser Greece is? And what's this thing called a 2P again? Oh, and can't forget Iceland's hidden side that only you get a chance to see. Then Denmark goes all matchmaker! What's that about Norway? He's secretly an in-closet WHAT? A series of: fluffy, romantic, dark, unique, erotic, innocent one-shots-- all compiled into one~! Some are rated PG, others PG-13, and some maybe even rated R. Depends, but there will be warnings posted before every chapter. :) Hope you enjoy! Vote and comment when you're done, pretty please? ^_^ -Celine (: