Fairy Tail: Next Ge...
By celestewriting2002
  • Fanfiction
  • fairytail
  • gale
  • gruvia
  • jerza
  • miraxus
  • nalu


Magnolia, a city that represents a certain guild we all know, Fairy Tail. Recently Fairy Tail and members of allied guilds helped Fairy Tail fight the war versus Zeref. During the war Master Makarov sacrificed his life for his children. But the First Master revived him so he can once again be with his children. The war ended with Mavis and Zeref showing and expressing their love for each other, this caused the curse of surrounding death to take both of their lives. Makarov is retiring from being a master and now the guild is trying to choose a master. Erza and Gildarts are the possible masters. During the war, Natsu finds out he is E.N.D and more about his 400 year past. He tried to keep his true feelings and pain away from everyone. Especially a certain blonde. Even though she was the one to save him and rewrite the book of E.N.D. He can no longer hide his feelings from his family. It's been 1 year since the war ended with Zeref. But everything is not going to be the same from now on at the guild. ~Revised February 2021~


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Fairy Tai...
by celestewriting2002