By DeborahJackson
  • Teen Fiction
  • ghosts
  • hockey
  • horror
  • islands
  • mystery
  • pirates
  • possession
  • suspense


It wasn’t until Carlos helped me put the pieces back together that I realized how many were missing. Shattered. Tormented. Brain on disconnect. A car accident leaves Erin Rocheford, a seventeen-year-old hockey player, fractured, disfigured, near death. Not only is her future career in the NHL erased, but when she’s finally released from the hospital she can hardly walk, her thoughts stumble into each other, and people grimace when they notice the scars crisscrossing her face. Erin's parents consider a vacation in Florida, on an island of palm trees and pirate lore, is just what she needs to recover. But in her post-traumatic state, Erin is vulnerable to attack, to a ghostly invasion, to a further fragmenting of her troubled grey matter. A pirate tale of an odd English pirate and his feisty captive, a story of defiance and decapitation, will weave itself into her mind and threaten her very soul. She will need to dig up every reserve in her hockey-tuned body to keep from falling apart all together, to fight back and to protect her star player—the one boy who can see beyond the scars. Mosaic Cover, copyright Matthew Birtch

Chapter One and Two

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by DeborahJackson