From the bottom of...
By RoyalKareem
  • Fanfiction
  • 10thgen
  • arcobaleno
  • carvalleno
  • gesso
  • giglionero
  • reborn
  • skull
  • tsnayoshi
  • tsuna
  • varia
  • verde
  • vongola


It should be just another ordinary day for our dear Tsuna. However something on this day felt different. the mansion is quiet... It's way too quiet... Tsuna who curious went to search his guardians or anyone else. but what he found is shocking him. They're having a meeting without him... but that's not what shocking him. He can't just barge in and so he try to peek while listening their chatter about him... on how they despise him... on how they want to leave but can't... on how he's such a burden... and many more hurting words that broke his heart at once... He had enough and so with bravely, he have stepped in to stop their talk with a smile, a pained one but no one notice it... but on the other side Tsuna saw them having a fake smile, Reborn even clicked his tongue without trying to hide it at all What's actually happening? what's wrong with them? Read to find out~! Declaration : KHR isn't mine! but the plot is~ Oh, and I made this to celebrate my own b'day (29-3-2001)~! Yay! Happy Birthday to me!!! XD

These Voices

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From the...
by RoyalKareem