In The End...
By abbykeeler
  • Teen Fiction
  • abusivedad
  • comedy-drama
  • comedy-romance
  • friendsandfamily
  • intheend
  • romance
  • teenfiction


In the End the bad boy always gets the good girl...right? In The End everything always works out right....? Chloe- an average girl... wait, no. She's a tomboy. She's not a typical girly girl who cakes her face in makeup to impress the boys. In fact, she hates to wear makeup. She doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She just... herself. Chloe loves sports, watching and playing them. She's pretty competitive about almost everything. You pull a prank on her... she'll come back with another. Brody- typical bad boy/player. Chloe's former elementary/ middle school bully. He gets sent off too lord knows where and then comes back senior year. Chloe will do anything to try to stay away from him, or anyone that will hurt her. Chloe has a complicated home life. She's got it rough. Her dad abuses her and her mom left when she was a little kid. All she has is her big brother Gabe and her friends. Read to find out the rest. Warning: this book is the typical cliche teen fiction book. Read at your own risk 😂

Chapter 1

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In The En...
by abbykeeler