Letters to Ray
By jharper1712
  • General Fiction
  • bowling
  • love


"Ruth I love you. You love me. Forget about that jerk. We both I'd never hurt you like he did baby." At the word baby she instantly stopped crying and her face got hard. I had always called her baby. Maybe Drew was right. Maybe I really don't know how much I hurt her. "What did you just say?" She asked. Because Cole wasn't in front of us I could't tell if he was going to answer becasue Ruth bit rigth back in, "You don't konw what he did. I know that because there are only 4 living people that know what happened. And I'm sure all four of those are under this roof right now. Knowing Lilly she drinking coffee down stairs with Jeff. Liam did you tell him?" I shoke my head telling her no. "You haven't met Jeff and if Lilly told you then she's dead. So Tell me Cole what did Liam do?" There was not sound coming for the other end of phone. He didn't know. See life from Ruth, Liam, and Gideon's and eyes. See how life will work out with the chance meeting and barried past cross paths.

Letters to Ray Chapter 1 ~ Ruth

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Letters t...
by jharper1712