The Day Before Tomo...
By Bookworm_For_Life258
  • Teen Fiction
  • death
  • friendship
  • hatred
  • highschool
  • love
  • memories


"If you fall, I'll always catch you" Lilly Hart just got into her dream high school, Rosen Arts High. But everything changes when her and her family got into a terrible accident, leaving her clueless of her life before, and taking her family's life. How will she remember The Day Before Tomorrow? EVERYTHING WAS A BLUR. My eyes were closed, I dreamt, but I woke from the sound of a scream, a horn, a crash. Hard enough to say, I never opened my eyes, yet I knew I felt sharp things slide against my skin. I felt my blood cool in fear of what was happening, I felt skin on my right side, but it cold. I felt liquid rush down my arm and face. This was never supposed to happen. I think. Not editting yet until after the end of novel

The Day Before Tomorrow

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The Day B...
by Bookworm_For_Life258