The Killjoys of Zon...
By MiaKat101
  • Fanfiction
  • 2019
  • adventure
  • after
  • agent
  • bomb
  • chemial
  • cola
  • danger
  • dani
  • days
  • death
  • defy
  • dracs
  • exploder
  • fabulous
  • fanfics
  • freak
  • frobro
  • fun
  • funny
  • future
  • ghoul
  • glossy
  • insantity
  • jet
  • kid
  • killjoys
  • kobra
  • korse
  • live
  • lol
  • mcr
  • meh
  • party
  • poision
  • pony
  • romance
  • scarecrow
  • show
  • star
  • static
  • sunshine
  • toxic
  • trans
  • true
  • zone6
  • zones


(Book 1) Static Bomb travels with the famous Fabulous Killjoys, has done for 7 years and it's made her one of the best the BLI have seen. She is free, she is happy. But nothing can ever stay perfect, when Static is taken by Korse himself, he turns fearless unbreakable into a scared yet stubborn girl totally different from Static and names her Caitlin. In a series of events, Caitlin falls back into the hands of Static's old companions who are horrified to find that Static is no longer the person she was. But when something occurs they realise they never knew Static as much as they would like to think, she has secrets, big secrets. Caitlin is about to find out just what a person will die for in times of great need.

The Fabulous Killjoys

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The Killj...
by MiaKat101