Because Life Goes On
By Kazzawazza123
  • Teen Fiction
  • brook
  • continuing
  • depression
  • discover
  • fixing
  • life
  • love
  • lucas
  • mei
  • new-friends


Brooke Mari and Mei Su were best friends, they were each other's only friend. But Mei had died over the summer, and now Brooke was left all alone. Her parents were useless, her mum was almost non-existent, only coming to visit once or twice a year. Her father was a drunk and abused her regularly, but nobody noticed when she went to school because nobody noticed her. She stayed in the shadows because she didn't want to talk abut her problems, she didn't want anyone to know. Becuase no one knew that she and Mei we're friends, not even their parents, and so no one understood that she was going through pain, the pain of losing a friend. And Lucas Bryant was the school's player, football captain, soccer captain, baseball captain, all of the sports captains, and of course, he was the most popular, and known student at Eastwood High. He thought that he knew everyone, but he didn't. He also thought that everyone gave a care about him, but Brooke didn't, she didn't care if he had gotten laid the night before, or what type of eggs he had for breakfast. She just didn't care. But what if Brooke needed to start caring about Lucas, and Lucas needed to get to know Brooke.?What of they both needed each other? What if they just needed to be loved?

1 A New Beginning - Brooke

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Because L...
by Kazzawazza123