The Virtual World O...
By SkyOfFreedom
  • Science Fiction
  • angels
  • demons
  • different
  • fight
  • girl
  • life
  • little
  • monsters
  • reality
  • universe
  • virtual
  • world


Jo-Jo's gotten herself in a bit of trouble. Throughout her life, she's always been the one kid in her family that loves to defy everything her parents have ever told her. From the mere age of 5, she was always classified as the black sheep, the little troublemaker, a rebellious punk. There wasn't a rule she couldn't break. And for once, that was a rule that would've saved her life, had she actually followed it. A new virtual reality game has been released, and everyone's been talking about it. Including people from her school. But most of them were too young to sign up for it, the age limit being at least 16 years old. Any higher than that and you were more than qualified. Of course, her parents were against her getting it, insisting it was too inappropriate for a young girl her age to be a part of. Being her, she jumped at the chance to try it out. And try she did. Now in the game, she's realized that anyone who joins is trapped in the game, the only escape being death. As far as she knows, anyway. So what should she do? Fight like the rest of the players, or stand back and wait for the adults to step in and fix it? It's kinda obvious. Being 15 is so lame. ***Credit goes to the makers of Sword Art Online the anime, which is where I got the basic idea of the whole story from. So you could say this is sorta a fanfic for the game itself and not the actual characters in the show. Most of the concepts in this story are mine, because I added a few details that weren't in there for the anime. Also, all of the characters in here are my own original creations, not from the show. Now that we're leveled…***

The Virtual World Of Jo-Jo

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The Virtu...
by SkyOfFreedom