The Lost Princess
By PS_Love
- Fantasy
- ache
- anger
- angry
- arthur
- arthurian
- assassin
- awake
- battle
- bbc
- betrayal
- bidding
- blade
- blood
- buyer
- camelot
- caring
- castle
- cave
- chorus
- cold
- creatures
- cries
- cute
- dagger
- dark
- days
- dead
- death
- dirt
- dragon
- dragons
- drama
- dream
- dreams
- dresses
- dungeon
- escape
- fate
- fever
- fight
- fighter
- flogged
- flower
- forever
- friend
- friendship
- girls
- gone
- gowns
- gwenifver
- heart
- historical
- horse
- horses
- hurt
- image
- journey
- jousting
- kidnapped
- kill
- king
- kiss
- knight
- knights
- leave
- legend
- lies
- life
- locked
- love
- luxury
- magic
- man
- merlin
- mountain
- mountains
- murdered
- mystery
- new
- night
- opponent
- pain
- party
- pendragon
- poison
- poisoned
- pretense
- prince
- princess
- raid
- red
- relief
- respect
- rock
- rose
- run
- sad
- save
- scary
- screams
- secret
- shadows
- shore
- shudders
- sing
- skin
- slave
- story
- sword
- swords
- taken
- tavern
- tears
- time
- tournament
- tourney
- travel
- uther
- village
- vision
- war
- warlock
- warning
- wary
- wench
- whip
- white
- work
- wound
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In the balmy seaside kingdom of Astolat, Princess Gwenifver led a peaceful and content existence, training to claim the throne and unite her kingdom with Camelot's through marriage -- until Uther Pendragon swept in and killed her father and slaughtered her people for her father's supposed treachery. Gwen flees her fallen kingdom with little more than her life. Seven years later, Gwen's true identity is discovered as she resides amongst thieves and savages. She is taken to Camelot to live out her days as a slave under the cruel rule of King Uther. In a tale of betrayal, magic, blood, and love - a beloved old legend is carefully crafted and twisted anew, where adventure awaits at every corner.
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