Star VS The Forces...
By gen3king
  • Fanfiction
  • janstar
  • marco
  • monstar
  • monsterstar
  • oskar
  • star
  • starco
  • starvstheforcesofevil
  • toffee
  • wattys2018


Alternate Title: Comet VS The Forces of Mewni Fourteen years ago, Toffee invaded Menwi. Despite Moon's efforts, Toffee got the spell book, if only for a moment, and used a dark spell. When light returned to Star's nursery where he and Moon were... Star was gone. Enraged, Moon turned to dark magic, and declared genocide against monsters. Four years later. Toffee runs into a young monster with hearts on her cheeks named Comet Dragonfly, who's parents were killed, but her mom stole Moon's wand. He raises Comet as his own, and protects her from Moon. Present Day. Desperate to protect Comet, but cornered by Moon, Toffee has no. other choice... Toffee sends Comet to Earth so she may train and return to avenge her race. However, on Earth, she meets a young lad named Marco who tries to convince her killing Moon is wrong. Will Marco and the other freinds she meets be able to quell her vengeful bloodlust, or will she go dark like Moon? Read and find out! Also has some SVTFOE One Shots Cover by...

Comet Dragonfly

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Star VS T...
by gen3king