She Is Me
By Gabbie_v100
  • Teen Fiction
  • denials
  • drama
  • fame
  • geek
  • generalfiction
  • hate
  • humour
  • london
  • love
  • luck
  • pains
  • paparazzi
  • popular
  • romance
  • swap
  • teenfiction


"Who are you and what are you doing in my dressing room you imposter?" I yelled looking at a girl's back turned away from me. "Before you hand me over to the cops,please hear me out" she begged then she turned slowly to my direction. I froze in my spot, am I assuming things?,is she some kind of a human mirror or what's the word..yeah, a doppelganger?. How on earth can someone look like you this much. Even my look-alikes were no match. All I could say was... "How did you get your hair so dark?,and those eyes are exactly the same colour as mine" Meet Gabriella,who has a minuscule, barely existing social life,she lives in a poor home and goes on her life like no man's business. Meet Daniella,comes from a wealthy home and gradually climbing the ladder to fame. Find out how fate brings them together and how they unknowingly live each other's life. She Is Me All rights reserved. ©2017. .

One: "He saved me another lecture from Mr. grumpy pants"

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She Is Me
by Gabbie_v100