Sleeping Dragon (Na...
By becky157689
  • Fanfiction
  • dragon
  • kakashi
  • sakura
  • sasuke


Suki katsureki was a misunderstood child, the only one who stood by her was her sister maki. Suki was a burden to her village, they feared and abuse her. Her father was one of the worst, he would starve and torture her for days on end. Suki's village was hidden from the world, they had secrets and powers beyond what any other village could imagine. One day when suki was 5 her village was attacked, suki was kidnapped by the Matsuri clan for experimentation on their powers. The matsuri clan was the katsureki clans worst enemy. Her sister Maki, tried to save her, but was killed in the process. After 3 years of pure torture, suki escaped and killed the ones who made her alone in the world. She traveled by herself for another 3 years until she ended up at konoha.. with new powers awakening and new enemies, will suki survive, they way she was now?.. wait and find out.

Chapter 1

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by becky157689