Baby Dolan // {Etha...
By Rachel_horan93
  • Fanfiction
  • 18
  • baby
  • dad
  • dolanbaby
  • ethandolan
  • graysondolan
  • highschool
  • mom
  • pregnancy
  • pregnant
  • teenage
  • teenmom
  • teenpregnancy
  • thedolantwins
  • twins


Elena Levine - A Nice, Loving, and Caring girl who isn't very popular at school, but people know who she is, she gets along with everyone at her school. Ethan Dolan - Ethan is the typical jock of the school, he sleeps around with girl's and then drops them the next morning. He is the popular one with his twin brother, Grayson. He doesn't drink for some weird reason but he does have a dark past that no one knows about except his brother. What will happen when two people meet at the last summer party before their senior year on high school and have sex? What will happen when he gets Elena pregnant with his baby? Whats going to happened?? Read to find out..... FINISHED --- MAJOR EDITING, CHANGING SOME STUFF. 💕💕💕

Chapter 1

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Baby Dola...
by Rachel_horan93