Ren narrowly escaped death when a mysterious white wolf saved him from his adoptive father. He leaves Vail in attempt to find her. It doesn't take him long to find her. Arya Lightwood invites him to stay with her and her pack until he decides what he wants to do with his life and where he wants to go. But Ren starts falling for her, causing internal conflicts within himself. And not only are his personal conflicts causing trouble, but Arya holds more secrets than Ren assumed. Arya Lightwood saved Ren on orders from an ancient being. When he finds her and she invites him to stay, she begins to fall in love with him. Turmoil erupts in her life when Ren goes missing from worry over him and meeting his old flame. And the more the truth about his disappearance unravels, the more Arya has to worry about staying with her pack.
War of the Roses