If Kennedy Lived: A...
By historynerd_
  • Non-Fiction
  • alternatehistory
  • camelot
  • ethelkennedy
  • jackiekennedy
  • jfk
  • rfk
  • thekennedys


Half a century has passed since JFK was murdered in Dallas,cut down by an Assassin's bullet.But what if everything you knew was wrong?What if the bullets had missed their targets that bloody drenched day? John F. Kennedy has survived an Assassination attempt on his life.But evil doesn't die easily.In fact,life in the now dangerous world is just the beginning. America and its shocked followers think it is all over.But when a new dark powerful leader rises in Cuba,who overthrows Castro,who is nicknamed Darkness,launches a full scale bloody all out gorey war on America and the world. Jackie and the young President still are falling in love.A traitor in their ranks tries to tear their world apart and an old friend of Kennedy who was thought dead returns revived by the dark forces alive and full of revenge. In this world,there are twists and turns of a new history that has been never so believable.Or so terrifying.


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If Kenned...
by historynerd_