Run In and Go For I...
By aekozlak
  • Fanfiction
  • alyssa
  • deanwinchester
  • hunter
  • samwinchester
  • supernatural


Alyssa Carter was a quiet girl when she was younger until her mother was taken hostage by a demon. That led her father to lead her family into hunting the supernatural. After a freak incident involving her father and brother, she couldn't fight the supernatural world anymore without her family. So she quit and started to live a normal life that was until she ran, literally, into Dean Winchester and she realized that she finally has someone that can help her. To hear the rest of her story you are going to have to run into this book and go for it!! I do not own any of the supernatural characters besides Alyssa and her family. All the other characters are the property of the CW and Creation Entertainment. Please do not take this idea to use as your own. You may use some of the ideas as long as you give credit to me when you write it. PS. I apologize for the crappy cover. If you guys want me to I can switch it or you can make one of your own to let me use :) Enjoy the story!!

Chapter 1- The Past

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Run In an...
by aekozlak