Stranger II (Sequel...
By soyyysauce
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A year later Dre makes it big and is one of the top artists in the music industry. He's making millions and the money couldn't be treating him any better. Going on two tours so far and planning hard for his next album. Kiley is now a popular model and is in the process of making her own clothing line for women and men. Along with starting her own modeling agency with Analis' to help models starting out, like she was a year ago. During these past year, both have been through a lot of drama with Darian. He tried to press charges on Dre and soon after word got around a lot of rumors were spread, making Dre have a bad name in the spotlight at the time. Darian also on more on one occasion tried stalking Kiley to get her alone and have his way with her. He just couldn't leave her alone. Kiley ended up putting out a restraining order against him. With Dre going on tour again leaving Kiley behind, a lot starts to happen and quick. Be prepared for Drama, Lust, Secrets and Lies. ©2014 soyyysace All Rights Reserved

Stranger II (Sequel)

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by soyyysauce