By dancerforlife510
  • Romance
  • adult
  • adultromance
  • boss
  • ceo
  • cocky
  • criminal
  • death
  • dominant
  • drama
  • funny
  • hot
  • kidnapping
  • love
  • manipulation
  • mature
  • millionaire
  • newadultreads
  • passion
  • possessive
  • power
  • revenge
  • romance
  • tragedy


His arm circled my waist, his other hand drawing patterns on my neck as he whispered, "I know what you did Ari." I warped my legs around him confused as he proceeded to pull us down and into the water forcing me to hold my breath. When we resurfaced I could see the anger on his face, "Why didn't you tell me?" "There was nothing you could have done..." I whispered replaying the incident that happened earlier. I pulled myself out of the pool and toweled myself. He came up from behind embracing me as I stood there taking in the moonlight that cast a yellow hue on us. "I wish we never meet..." I bit my lips trying to keep the tears from spilling. He spun me and in a blink of an eye, I was looking at his chest knowing his face was studying mine. "You don't mean it. You are mine and I'm yours." He tightened the hug, stubborn about not letting go. "I don't love you. It was for the money. You heard what Krissy said..." I turned my heart to stone staring into his grey eyes trying to communicate my lies as truth. He swiftly let go and I watched the transformation before me of a man's love into anger and sorrow. He bought his hands up as if to land a blow, but resisted letting out a sigh. "Leave Ari." His voice very feeble but commanding as ever. My job was done, he had believed it. ---------------- My first attempt at adult fiction, please do read and recommend this story to your fellow friends and Wattpaders! And of course, hit VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW. Thank you guys!

Aurthor Note and Characters 1

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by dancerforlife510