Raise Hell || The 1...
By JustMe52
  • Fanfiction
  • the100


(Sequel to Hell and Back) If Wren Jordan had learned anything while being a leader, it was to never leave her people behind. There was never a good enough reason to do so before, and she wasn't about to start looking for one now. Ever since she woke up in a blindingly, white room and saw her twin brother frantically screaming in the room opposite of her, Wren knew something was wrong. When she realized less than half of her people were present there, there was no doubt in her mind that she needed to find them and would stop at nothing to do so. Wren refused to give up hope about finding them, especially since one of the most important things in her life was with the missing group. Now, with new feelings in mind, powering her every move, Wren must be willing to work with the enemy, make new and unexpected alliances, and raise hell while fighting for the ones she loves most. Even if it meant that her bond with her twin brother would be put through the ultimate test.

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Raise Hel...
by JustMe52