Tom, Richard, and H...
By Cleotheleo
  • Romance
  • diguise
  • family
  • friendship
  • nickname
  • rumor


Hi, I’m Richard and you’re about to… “What are you doing, talking to yourself again?” “No, I’m just here trying to tell these wonderful people about the journey we’re about to take them on Cynthia.” “Why are you telling them, let them find out for themselves!” Do you see what I have to deal with? “Hey, don’t talk about me like I’m not here!” “What’s going on here little bro, other than you and Cynthia almost ripping each other’s head off?” my older brother Harry says as he slings an arm around me. “Dick is talking to himself, I think we need to get him some professional help” Cynthia says in a fake serious tone. “Do not call me Dick, and I’m not talking to myself I’m trying to summarize and you guys keep inter-” “-You guys are partying without me?! I can’t believe you guys are leaving me out.” “Tom calm down, this isn’t a party.” I say in annoyance. He looks at me disbelievingly, “Well if this isn’t a party, what is it?” “I was just trying to…oh never mind.” I say defeated. Let’s just start from the beginning.

Tom, Richard, and Harry (Coming Soon 2014)

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Tom, Rich...
by Cleotheleo