Love Me Yours [ Dra...
By EvesxLand
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • draco
  • dramione
  • fanfiction
  • granger
  • harrypotter
  • hermione
  • love
  • malfoy
  • missyvy
  • wizard


Caught up in pains of her own, namely dealing with the fact that Ron Weasley married another, Hermione Granger cannot believe she's facing danger again. The time for war was supposed to be over but new killings under new marks begin to shake the Wizarding World once more. To be honest, Draco Malfoy could care less of the world ending. The only reason he was coming back to work was because of his mother. But that was starting to be overshadowed by something more... Something dangerous and should be tread lightly. Two people who seems like polar opposites have to work on the same side to save the world once again from the clutches of evil, but can they do so before they destroy themselves? (will edit this shitty description in the future) e v e s x l a n d || 2 0 1 7


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Love Me Y...
by EvesxLand