Odd Woman Out
By TylerUS
  • General Fiction
  • development
  • diaryist
  • femaleprotagonist
  • growth
  • journey
  • romancewriter
  • self-discovery
  • weeklyinstallments


Alexia Raidho (or Alex, as she prefers) searches for self and soul as she travels along a literal and cerebral journey. Through diary entries and fiction writing, Alex reflects upon past accomplishments, exploits, and failures, and speculates whether she might be an "odd woman out". Relationships, even those of a volatile and abusive nature, have impelled her down paths that may otherwise never have been taken. All-gratefully, she'll concede-have expanded her vision, talent, and maturity. Her honesty can be raw or pained, melancholy or funny, depending on what or who she's thinking about. Encounters, accidental or intentional, occasionally hold consequences while eccentric family members often make for entertaining-if not embarrassing-moments. Friends and lovers, on the other hand, can make for surprising ones. All, however, provide fodder for her introspective writing.

Diary Entry #1: An Aside, Also known as a Prologue

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Odd Woman...
by TylerUS