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  • Gasoline ▸ Steve Harrington
    19K 808 4

    Until November 6, 1983, Heather Gilmore had seen Hawkins for what everyone else did: a small town where nothing tragic every really seemed to happen. After that day, though? Heather was quite certain she was stood at the mouth of hell. (seasons 1-3)

  • The Jedi Code
    204K 5.8K 31

    ☬ Ranked #1 Book in ObiWan, #2 Book in ObiWanKenobi, #2 Book in ObiWanXReader, and #2 in PhantomMenace ☬ ❝Why do we keep doing this?❞ I screamed at him, turning around to face him with the coldest glare I could muster. ❝You must forget them. Attachment is forbidden and what you have for them is intoxicating for you.❞...