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  • Snapchat
    53.2K 4.6K 53

    ScottHoying has added you on Snapchat. ScottHoying is typing... ScottHoying:Hey baby! ;) MitchGrassi is typing... MitchGrassi: Who are you? And how did you get my Snapchat? message delivered. 5 minutes later. snap opened. ScottHoying is typing... ScottHoying: Just call me Daddy

  • Just A Dare (Scömìche)
    70.2K 3.3K 20

    Highest rank is #614 in romance! Scott Hoying is a hot popular. Mitch Grassi is a weird nerd. What could happen when Scott's best friend dares him to date the before mentioned nerd for a few bucks? Easy, right? You would be wrong there. Scott Hoying x Mitch Grassi High school AU Scömìche Completed

  • TINDER❥ || Scömìche
    11.8K 757 51

    » What if you meet a guy over a Dating app? What if you fall in love with him? But what if your best friend tells you that he's a fuckboy? Who will you believe? Will you still strike up the relationship? And wouldn't that be a mistake? « ☞!!! TRIGGER WARNING !!!☜ This Story contains strong language, smut and other T...

    Completed   Mature
    2.7K 120 21

    Scott is his name.. He loves me. He's always there. He would never leave me.

  • Scömiche oder ist es zu spät?
    128 9 2

    Scott und Mitch sind so glücklich miteinander dann kommen so viele Sachen auf die beiden zu ob die Beziehung das aushält?

  • Scömìche One Shots.
    66.3K 1.5K 38

    Only Scömìche. Some parts may include Kavi, Jirstie or other YouTube otps. Scott and Mitch are shipped in only Scömìche. Updated whenever. Not updated on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday or Sunday as updating other stories.

  • Valentine❥ ; Scömìche || COMPLETED
    13.2K 698 58

    SCÖMÌCHE ! #Scömìcheshipper aufgepasst! Ich schreibe hier ein Buch ganz allein über die, sich entwickelnde Beziehung, von Scott Hoying und Mitch Grassi. Viel Fluff und natürlich auch Smut. Viel Spaß beim Lesen. (Wenn ihr irgendwelche Fragen habt, zögert nicht sie zu stellen!❤️) Lg, me Copyright: strqwberry Cover: strq...

    Completed   Mature
  • A Little Shitty High School Story {Scömìche}
    2.9K 164 15

    Als Scott durch sein schlechtes Benehmen an der Schule dazu verdonnert wird, die Aula nach den Theaterproben zu säubern, kommt er dem Musik-begeisterten Außenseiter Mitch immer näher.

  • Oh that can't sleep love
    105 9 2

    Scott und Mitch kennen sich schon ihr Leben lang. Mittlerweile wissen sie gar nicht mehr, was sie ohne den anderen anfangen würden - aber das steht ohnehin nicht zur Debatte. Sie würden Freunde bleiben, ihr Leben lang. Punkt. Als Mitch dann aber erkennt, dass er mehr als freundschaftliche Gefühle für seinen Scott hegt...

  • Rich boy
    55.8K 2.6K 29

    Mitch Grassi, Had the best life anybody could ask for, billions of dollars, cars everywhere, mansions and pools, cocktails and margaritas... Well that changed after he had to leave with all his money and expensive stuff to his inherited mansion in Arlington Texas by emergency. Arlington Texas, known for being the mos...

  • You're All That I Hoped I'd Find
    123K 5.4K 17

    After leaving his abusive husband, Mitch takes his son to his mother's house. Mitch's mom convinces him to put little Alex in a theater class. On the interesting side, the teacher there is cute and amazing with children. When Mitch catches Scott's attention, how is he suppose to react with his husband on his back? Cou...

  • Ptx texts☕️
    41.9K 2.8K 90

    Just some texts between ptx

  • Scomiche One Shots
    180K 6.2K 102

    Just a bunch of fluffy, sad and maybe a few smutty ( we shall see) little stories about our two favorite people!

  • Dream your day [ #Wattys2016 ]
    843 83 35

    Hallo Leute! In diesem kleinen Buch würde ich gerne kleine Geschichten und Schreibergüsse hochladen, die mir während eines kleinen Tages so aus dem Kopf geklettert sind. Ich hoffe, ich kann euch ein kleines bisschen zum nachdenken anregen. P.S.: Es geht Querbeet ein! P.P.S.: Ich habe mir vorgenommen, die Welt zu verän...