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  • Fallen (down) - Madara
    759 41 20

    Kagura Ootsutsuki wurde entsandt, um festzustellen, was aus ihrer Großtante Kaguya geworden ist, die knapp 500 Jahre zuvor die Frucht des Götterbaumes ernten sollte. Doch auf dem Planeten angekommen, stellt Kagura fest, dass dort einiges aus den Fugen geraten sein muss, da alle dort lebenden Menschen Chakra besitzen. ...

  • Deidara der Babysitter
    50.7K 3.8K 39

    Deidara kommt mit Sasori von einer Mission zum HQ (Hauptquartier)zurück.Was sie dort erwartet,hätten sie niemals erwartet... Es wird in der Sicht von Deidara geschrieben. Ich weiß nicht ob es eine ähnelnde Gesichte gibt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen ;)

  • Akatsuki Babys (an Akatsuki Fanfiction)
    224 10 1

    During their mission Hime and Shinju found four lost children in the woods. But those kids aren't normal children, they are members of the Akatsuki, but like their 4 year old versions, without any memory. Hime ans Shinju decide to take care of Sasori, Deidara, Hidan and Kakuzu, while Hime looks after Sasori and Deida...

  • Itachis Random-Schwangerschaft [ItaKisa// Naruto -Fanfiction § MSTing §]
    22.2K 1K 23

    Itachi bekommt random ein Jutsu von Tsunade gesteckt und Hokosppkus-Fidibus ist er mit einem Mal schwanger. Wie und warum ist ja auch erstmal egal, wird auch nicht weiter erläutert, Fakt ist, dies ist die Steinvorlage für eine herrliche ItachixKisame - Lovestory, was wiederum ICH als Steinvorlage für mein aller erstes...

  • Die Hierarchie der Pestärzte [#Misting #fun #deutsch]
    279 18 3

    Shi Long ist junger Praktikant im Fach der Medizin. Und dies zur Zeit der Pest, doch damit nicht genug. Sein größter Traum ist es ein anerkannter Arzt zu werden, was ihm unmöglich scheint, da er von der Kirche als Hexer angeklagt wird. Nun befindet er sich immer auf der Flucht, und mit ihm eine schwarze Katze namens D...

  • Arron and Trexx
    736K 50.6K 81

    Barely escaping alive from a human trafficking ring, Arron finds herself running for her life as her captors seek to hunt her down, either to end her life or to torture her, she does not know. She doesn't want to find out either. Sweaty, tired, lightheaded and hungry, she finds herself literally crawling into Konoha t...

  • Satire - Unser Vaterland
    184 11 2

    Meine Damen, Herren und Donald Trump, wir alle kennen die Ironie des Schicksals oder das Leben, welches Sie dauerhaft auslacht. Auch Jesus, welcher oben in seinem Gemüt sitzt und sich manchmal fragt, warum sein Vater die Menschen überhaupt erschaffen hat. Ich vermute sogar, dass er einige Male sehr kurz davor war, uns...

  • Requiem for a Soldier (Requiem #1)
    3.1M 136K 53

    A disfigured veteran hiding from the world and the young woman who found him. 2019 Watty Award Winner - Romance After suffering extensive injuries in Afghanistan from an IED that killed his best friend, Ryan decided he was better off dead. He intended to live out the rest of his days alone, away from the media circus...

  • Im Feuer der Zeit
    3.7K 119 10

    {pausiert ☕} Lena schreibt eine Geschichte, doch ist total unzufrieden mit dem, was sie geschaffen hat. Sie nimmt sich Zeit, die Story nochmal zu überdenken doch... hat sie nun eine Idee gefunden oder wird sie selbst zur Geschichte?

  • When You Find Me
    43.5K 267 3

    || a wattpad featured story || Who, or what, killed Cassie? Mere days after graduation, Cassie goes missing only to turn up dead in the forest near the Ponotoka River. Nobody seems to know anything about what happened to Cassie, but Luke remembers parts of that fateful night. The thing is, he believes he is partly re...

  • Raum 02
    36.1K 2.9K 15

    || "So, wir sind vollzählig. Ich begrüße Sie hiermit herzlich zu der Selbsthilfegruppe-" "Für leicht bis mittel Gestörte?" Da er mir genau gegenüber saß, konnte er mir direkt ins Gesicht starren. Herausfordernd sah er rüber. Die anderen lachten. Der ist doch eher mittel bis stark gestört, dachte ich mir nur. || Sechs...

  • Why, Me?
    11.2K 620 8

    A cliche Kakashi time travel with a twist! People say to look forward, never backwards, but they themselves can't help it. Kakashi is one of those people. - In which Kakashi picks up everyones mess and doesn't take no bullshit. DISCONTINUED

  • Am I ... Forgotten ? || NARUTO
    456K 9.7K 22

    Neglected. On the night the Nine Tailed Fox Demon attacked, Kushina gave birth to triplets. Two boys and one girl. Naruto, Menma, and Kamiko Namakaze-Uzumaki. Not knowing Naruto was the child who had the demon inside him, his parents thought he told lies. Naruto was treated badly by everyone in the village. Until...

  • Jashin's Wille
    5.5K 229 6

    Hinata begleitet Shikamaru zu einem Ort,den er immer gemieden hatte : "Hidan's Grabstätte" Diese "kleine,alte" FF wird aus der Sicht Hinata's beschrieben. Sie ist hier mal ander's. Von wegen schüchtern. Ich sage nur : "Stille Wasser ... ^^))

  • You are such a drag (A Shikamaru Nara Fan Fiction) (COMPLETED)
    130K 3.6K 17

    Kruno Inuzuka was kidnapped when she was six years old from her home in the hidden leaf village. Now, six years later, she has returned to find her brother Kiba, and her two best friends, Shikamaru and Sasuke. When she first comes back, she believes that everything will be okay. She has to believe that. She would go i...

  • "We should break up."
    8.6K 295 9

    "We should break up." Those 4 heartbreaking words led to Hinata Hyuuga meeting the true love of her life. **** COVER PICTURE BY Jupitrie ON DEVIANTART! ALL CREDITS TO THEM FOR THEIR BEAUTIFUL ART! Main relationships: NaruHina, NejiTen, SasuSaku Side relationships: SaiIno, SasuHina

  • Eye Of The Hurricane || Naruto
    63.5K 3.6K 18

    "𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙... 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝙛𝙖𝙨𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜." •-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-• Samantha Zoe doesn't belive in Reincarnation. She thought it was stupid. You live your fist life, experiencing what normal humans do. Then you die, and get reborn into something, with the possibility of keeping...

  • The Song of Yomi
    1.5K 194 7

    True secrets do not lie concealed in the darkness of night or in clever traps, but rather are hidden deep within people... ... Those who hear the call of Yomi will always answer; and those who Yomi take never return. (Not the same way.) What Yomi takes, she keeps, and those very few, who escape her are transformed, s...

  • The Innocent Murderer (Mary Sue Series)
    438K 19K 47

    "Y-you killed everyone!" she sobbed, staring at me in horror. "You're nothing but a murderer!" "No, I'm not. But even if I were, I wouldn't care."

  • 2.6 | Forget Me Not ✓
    96.4K 7K 21

    It's always been Dylan and Emma, and Emma and Dylan, for as long as anyone can remember. Until, one day, it isn't anymore. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2021 by Noelle N.

  • SICK || A Naruto FanFiction
    118K 5.1K 23

    She was sick. Blood filled her lungs, expelled by hacking, painful coughs. She wore a black mask to hide the blood, but the best mask of all was the faux smile in her eyes. There was no point in advancing through the ranks, living and breathing in a world she would leave so soon. But god damn it, she would leave kic...

  • Azami Senju
    21.7K 585 17

    *HIATUS* [Editing, but I also don't really have the motivation for this story with all my other ideas that I'd rather, and have already started, writing. Sorry. I'll try my best to update, but it'll probably be a long while before that happens] _________________________________________ Waking up. Bright. Changed. Eve...

  • Losing Hope || Naruto Fanfic
    33.1K 887 26

    Sora Lexie, age 12; Jounin Level. Lexie's parents died when she was 7 when they were on a mission leaving her alone. Her parents death changed her. She was the youngest person ever to join the anbu at age 10. Soon enough she figured being in the anbu wasn't her fit. After she lefts the anbu, she was soon added to a ne...

  • Faded Memories| Naruto And Tokyo Ghoul Crossover
    46.9K 1.9K 41

    (Sequel to 'Little Monster') Before even getting a chance to run away, Himika and Kaneki run into trouble and get transported to another universe, one Kaneki claims to be from. Kaneki's lost memories slowy return to him, but as his faded memories come back to him, Himika's are fading. Himika is introduced to everyone...

  • Akatsuki Kittens
    189K 7.9K 28

    Pein, sick of eating Kisame's cooking, orders Deidara and Sasori to go get food from the market and not to draw attention. Deidara, being curious, buys a vile with writing he can't read and mixes it in a pitcher of ice tea. Now the Akatsuki are small, fury and well, CUTE! They need to find a way to be turned back into...

  • Uchiha Kittens?
    67.4K 1.7K 11

    Risa and her best friend, Kae get themselves in an interesting situation that involves some special kittens. - - - No art in this story belongs to me Completed This story is actual ass... how are y'all reading this <.<

  • Oh great Naruto kittens
    64K 1.5K 43

    This story involves the Akatsuki reborn as kittens after their death and found by a 19year old girl named jack who hates the show with passion btw , this also includes the main character Naruto with his best friend Sasuke as in form of kittens and surprisingly the former hokagei with Madara and Izuna as well, also kit...

  • Kakashi's Daughter (Adopted!)
    9.8K 240 11

    Hey i'm Skye Hatake i like a lot of things don't particularly dislike anything except meat. Meat is gross, my hobbies? I never really thought about it. My dream? Meh not important. Meet Skye just like her father she's aloof, lazy, and smart i mean being an 11 year old anbu captain is something to aspire lets see wha...

  • Tales of a Reaper
    13K 366 10

    Shadow reaper Name: unknown Bounty: 200,000 yin Description: black cloak black mask never takes it off black reaper Sythe and silver hair You walk into konoha and are looking for your father you are Yuki Hatake and are looking for your farther the copy ninja you were abused by your mother and your a cold hearted kill...

  • Kamui: Dragged Into Konoha!?
    5.6K 207 17

    Fanfiction of How Masashi Kishimoto might have introduced Naruto and Why! This secret uncovers as our OC- Nishikawa Or Nishi sets to find out this quest to find the true world. As she is stuck between her World and Konoha Village which might actually exist! Note: Totally work of fiction!
