Swapped bodies with...
By bludymaty
  • Teen Fiction
  • awkward
  • bad
  • bodies
  • comedy
  • cute
  • girl
  • interesting
  • romantic
  • situations
  • swapping
  • witch


Dear diary                      12/10/13 Hi I'm Kelli. This is my first diary entry ever, I got this diary from my mam last Christmas. I meant to write in this earlier but I never found what to write. I have now. I'm sixteen years old, I live in Ireland, but right now I'm in New York with classmates. I am also here with my crush. And we soon have to go to a museum tomorrow, together, alone. I am so nervous, what if I say the wrong thing, like embarrass myself, what will he think then? Probably that I'm a freak. Anyway I have go to bed now. Signed Kelli Dear Diary                        13/10/13 We had a fight at the museum, he said I was a know it all when we were looking for the museum. I said and I quote "We could get lost. Just let me do it." he started saying "Are you saying I'm stupid? Your just a know it all! You have a handy life! Your smart and have a good family not everyone has that so shut the hell up!" A few people gave us looks. I stormed off then. And here I am. I'm so mad at him. Gotta go make dinner. Signed Kelli Last diary entry. Kelli went to a museum with her crush and they had a fight. But little did they know, there was a witch on the street, and she cast a spell for them to switch bodies. And that night it all changed. Everything has changed.

Swapped bodies with my crush

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Swapped b...
by bludymaty