Tame My Heart... Or...
By nessie64
  • Werewolf
  • art
  • bandages
  • basement
  • bathroom
  • bed
  • black
  • body
  • boots
  • boy
  • brent
  • canvas
  • card
  • classroom
  • clothes
  • corridor
  • couch
  • crowd
  • defense
  • desk
  • dog
  • door
  • drawing
  • dress
  • easel
  • english
  • eyes
  • father
  • forest
  • girlfriend
  • guys
  • gym
  • hair
  • hallways
  • home
  • hospital
  • house
  • kitchen
  • laptop
  • leg
  • library
  • lidia
  • living
  • liza
  • locker
  • lockers
  • love
  • lunch
  • mate
  • math
  • meeting
  • microphone
  • notes
  • paper
  • people
  • physics
  • room
  • scarf
  • school
  • science
  • secretary
  • shelves
  • shoes
  • shoulder
  • sister
  • son
  • stairs
  • students
  • teacher
  • tears
  • werewolf


Liza has always been shy, afraid of being noticed. As a new school year starts though, she is forced to face unanswered questions. Why did all her friends move so suddenly? Who are all these people who seem to have taken over her school? And what are these rumors about wolves being spotted in the woods about... A story of love and secrets - and how to be brave in the face of love.

Chapter 1

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Tame My H...
by nessie64