Dance to Death {FIN}
By -yxungest
  • Horror
  • death
  • fighting


Annika was having the perfect life with a normal mom and her amazing best friend Crystal. Then she came. The new girl, Olivia, joined the dance club and Annika instantly doesn't like her. When girls start dying, Annika believes she knows who it is, but what is the new girl hiding? What happens when Crystal start changing and her only hope is the new girl? Everything that Annika loved turned into a disaster when she learns secrets that she didn't want to hear in the beginning. A/N: I know this story doesn't sound realistic but I was REALLY young when I wrote this. Probably 11 or 12 and as I read it now, it just sounds crazy. But if you want to read it, then give it a shot. :D Cover done by: calumsrage A/N: Other photos will be posted soon. Other users who made me covers for this story. forest898, calumsrage, Secret_Verbena Remember, you're awesome and amazing! *THIS WAS PROBABLY MY FOURTH STORY I WROTE. I WAS 12. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I KNOW THEY ARE GRAMMAR MISTAKES, MISSING WORDS, AND THINGS THAT DO NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. READ FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.*

Dance to Death

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Dance to...
by -yxungest