Link City
By MapleCFreter
  • Science Fiction
  • agent
  • bomb
  • century
  • chosen
  • dystopia
  • explosion
  • fight
  • future
  • marked
  • siblings
  • terrorist
  • twenty-first


When you're marked you have two choices; fight or die. Nance lives in the past, literally. Her city is a recreation of early twenty-first century society. To the outside world they're experiments, just rats running around a maze. In an impoverished future world, the city seems to be their only chance of finding where they went wrong, or so they say. Nance doesn't know the real purpose of her home, and she doesn't care. All she sees are the one hundred teenagers, just like her, who are killed every year in the barbaric ritual known as the marking. They tattoo your face and pit you against your peers, against the city. Nance doesn't know why, but it doesn't matter, because she's sixteen and it's her turn to be marked. **So I decided to replace the original story with the rewrite because they are pretty much exactly the same. Plus, it's a lot less complicated then having two separate books for the same story.** There is a * next to all rewritten chapters. THE ORIGINAL VERSION IS COMPLETE. IT'S JUST NOT MARKED AS SUCH BECAUSE I GAVE UP ON THE REWRITE.

Late Arrivals *

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Link City
by MapleCFreter