After growing short...
By Xiaoshuo_
  • Science Fiction
  • cnmtl
  • entertainment


A talented director was born in the entertainment industry, and all her works were hits. But Wei Lan herself is very mysterious, and few people have seen her. Finally, one day, people saw the true appearance of this tyrant on the set-- #Director, you dropped the bottle# #Give Director Wei a Huazi... no, a lollipop# * The genius director Wei Lan has a secret that no one knows She has dreamed of some real scenes from other worlds since she was a child. In her dream, she has really seen the war of galaxy civilizations, the world of cultivating immortals, and the world of zombies besieging cities... She has seen the vicissitudes of those worlds, and she has also seen the joys and sorrows of the people there. . In her previous life, Wei Lan was limited by various conditions of the times, and was unable to perfectly express the world she wanted to express. Once she traveled through time, she came to an era of holographic movies where the scenery, props, and photography were all constructed by the director's own consciousness. What was once impossible is now possible. However, there is still a little 'little' trouble at the moment. Wei Lan's new body this time was injected with genetic poison when she was a child, and now her appearance is fixed at three and a half years old, and it is also bound to a system that needs to be favored by others to survive. Wei Lan: Ganni- the system (covering): Children are not allowed to swear! Wei Lan: Woganni-- system (covering): Host, pay attention, you are still 24 hours away from gene collapse, please work hard to gain the favor of others and extend your lifespan! Wei Lan has no (xing) Chennai (fen) expression: It seems that I have to go back to my old business. Later, people commented on Wei Lan: "She is the king of hot spots in this era." "A genius dream maker." Title 长不高后我爆红了After growing short, I became popular Author梦满枝 Not Mine Cr:Author

Chapter 1

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After gro...
by Xiaoshuo_