School bus graveyar...
By okboomer808
  • Fanfiction
  • ben
  • benxreader
  • schoolbusgraveyard
  • xreader


"Help! Help!" I cried. I have no idea where I am or what are these running after me but I do know that I need to find somewhere to hide and I to find it fast. "Please somebody!" I pleaded out into the empty neighborhood; I know that screaming is only going to attract more monsters but I need help. "HEY OVER HERE!" I heard someone call out in the distance, I wasted no time and ran towards the voice that lead to a graveyard. "Hello?" I hollered, jumping back when a door I hadn't noticed in front of me begin to open. Before one of the monsters could have grabbed me I ran inside, coming face to face with 2 other people my age. "Who are you?" A girl with long braids and green eyes asked me. "My name.... My name is y/n." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Disclaimer!!: School Bus Graveyard does not belong to me, neither do the characters

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School bu...
by okboomer808