Infinity Minus One...
By SkaterCheese
  • Fanfiction
  • alternaterealityshow
  • badtimeline
  • ii
  • inanimateinsanity
  • inanimateinsanityii
  • inanimateinsanityinfinity
  • lightbrush
  • marshple
  • objectshow
  • objectshows


When Test Tube and Lightbulb messed with time travel, they created an alternate timeline in which Salt and Pepper became the world's fabulously malevolent overlords - and the new hosts of Inanimate Insanity Infinity. There the grass is purple, the clouds are cubic, and eliminated contestants are flung into a black hole, never to be seen again. It's not a pretty sight. But it raises an even uglier question: how did we get here? Join Paintbrush, Marshmallow and the others as they battle it out for a million dollars in Inanimate Insanity, in a timeline where everything is ever so slightly off. What new trials will they all face? Who will come out on top when the dust settles under these strange new circumstances? And is the twig okay? Fourteen contestants... One million dollars... A critical schism in the flow of time. This is Infinity Minus One. (A collaboration with Jennings AsYetUntitled.)

A Shaken-Up Timeline

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by SkaterCheese