By SohiniModak8
  • Historical Fiction
  • arjun
  • duryodhan
  • fiction
  • hindu
  • historical
  • karna
  • krishna
  • kunti
  • mahabharat
  • mahabharata
  • mythology
  • nakul
  • sahadev
  • shakuni
  • time
  • timetravel
  • yudhisthir


Featured by WATTPAD ASIAN FANTASY Thoughts are quite dangerous things; fleeting one moment and drowning us the other. A tangle of fine web that slowly entraps us; influencing our speech and actions. And when woven together, it presents a tale of unwavering love. "The setting sun, the moon and the stars were the witness to our love in Kamyaka Forest as they are now. If you truly love me as I love you, then fate will have to bend before our love. The Gods won't let any other woman be my wife before you become mine and I become yours." Of self discovery. "You carry the three gunas in harmony, a feat not even achieved by primodial deities." Of ambitions. "May you not fail as the suta king did." Of navigating through various relations. "Let this be a lesson on how to string beads together, Nakulamohini; a lesson from one palace woman to another." Of an ordinary girl's journey through time to become extraordinary. Abhijishya - Nakulamohini - Dhruvi Flip through the pages to unravel the essence of Dhi. ╞═══════𖠁𐂃𖠁═══════╡ DISCLAIMER : This book is purely fictional and does not claim any mythological or historical accuracy in any way. Most of the characters are taken from the Epic Mahabharata and other folk tales. The author does not mean any disrespect or offence to any caste, creed, religion and person. Resemblance of any character to a living person is completely coincidental. 🥇 Best Blurb ~ The Shelf Made Awards 🥈 Historical Fiction ~ Debonair Accord 🥈 Historical Fiction ~ Mini Awards 🥉 Historical Fiction ~ Hin-glish Awards 🥉 Best Charcater Bonding ~ SCA 🥉 Best Female Protagonist ~ SCA 🥉 Fanfiction ~ The Royal Nobles Award Cover and banners by @-decepted

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by SohiniModak8