Midnight Kiss
By oliviarose85
  • Romance
  • brothersbestfriend
  • forbidden
  • forbiddenromance
  • love
  • olderman
  • onc
  • opennovellacontest2020
  • romance
  • sistersboyfriend
  • sistersfiancee
  • theopennovellacontest
  • writingcontest
  • youngerwoman


She hadn't meant for it to happen. One moment Harper Holloway was out In the beer garden to get some fresh air and the next moment she was in James Wittig's body embrace, his mouth against hers in reality rather than just the fantasy she'd been living in for the last ten plus years. James is more than off limits. Not only is he her older brother's best friend and had been since kindergarten, but he's also her older sister's ex-fiancée, who has been trying desperately to win back his heart after breaking it last year. When the clock strikes midnight, all bets are off, but when daylight approaches Harper knows her horses must turn back to mice, her carriage must turn back into a pumpkin and she must turn back into the baby sister in the background. Because if that other glass slipper drops, everything in their lives will shatter.

Chapter One

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by oliviarose85