Sparks Fly
  • Romance
  • abuse
  • attraction
  • badboy
  • college
  • collegeromance
  • deception
  • dragon
  • dragonawards
  • earlylover
  • fate
  • featured
  • flirt
  • grandcafecommunity
  • love
  • newadultromance
  • oppositesattract
  • player
  • romance
  • romancereads2019
  • sexualassualt
  • survivor
  • thediademawards
  • truth
  • young
  • youngadult


A Featured Wattpad Romance, Wattpad New Adult, and Wattpad Psychological Novel (triggering romance) **November 3, 2019: 1st place Winner of romance category for the Monthly Sunflower Awards (October) **December 12, 2019; genre winner of the romance category in The Zupe Awards **December 24, 2019: second place winner in romance for the Astrologists Awards **February 2020: placed first in Early Lovers category of Romance Reads Contest "You could get into trouble tempting the wrong person." She frowned at him, creating a slight crease between her eyebrows that was so unlike the rest of her flawless and perfect appearance. "Am I tempting you?" "No." His mind screamed, yes! She batted her eyelashes at him, her violet blue eyes bright. "Do I have to beg?" she asked with a pouty lower lip. *** Teagan Miller: He was known as a no-good ladies' man who lived for the moment. He didn't care about anyone or anything, save the few minutes of pleasure he found when he lost himself in his latest flame. Rain Sullivan: They call her the Ice Queen. She was a straitlaced, no-nonsense young woman who didn't have time for the type of games he played. For all intents and purposes they were like oil and water. They didn't mix. They shouldn't have fit. Yet one night changes everything; the night Rain steps down from her seemingly picture perfect pedestal to offer Teagan more temptation than he bargained for. Sparks fly when these two touch. Now it's up to them to decide if what they've found is worth the risk of getting a little burned. **I OWN THIS STORY! Please do not steal it! **Beware this story has mentions of sexual assault --- 04/23/20- reached 5k reads 05/30/20- reached 10k reads 07/06/20- reached 15k reads 08/09/20- reached 20k reads 09/21/20- reached 25k reads 11/11/20- reached 30k reads 01/04/21- reached 35k reads 03/24/21- reached 40k reads 04/29/21- reached 45k reads 06/05/21- reached 50k reads --- Started: August 2019 Completed: April 25, 2020

Chapter One: Hot and Cold

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Sparks Fly