My Evil, Cocky, Pos...
By VampireRoses1223
  • Romance
  • brother
  • cocky
  • evil
  • possessive
  • revenge
  • step
  • stepbrothers
  • supernatural


Aubrey Wilson is a 17 year old girl that had experienced devastation at a very early age. Her mother, who had been murdered when she was six, seems to be forgotten by everyone, except Aubrey. And things get worse when her desperate father is getting remarried to his girlfriend that Aubrey hates with a passion. Not only that, they are also moving over three states, far away from Aubrey's life. She is forced to move into a mansion that her father's rich fiance` (Crystal) lives, along with her two kids. Max, being the youngest at 10, and Mason the oldest at 19. It is not long before Aubrey notices there is something off with Crystal's family, and she is determined to get to the bottom of it. What is the secret they are so desperately trying to hide? Why has Max suddenly changed from a cute little boy to acting like a normal 19 year old, and why does he always seem to cling to her at night? And even Mason seems to have changed too... Why has Mason suddenly taken a dark interest in Aubrey?

Chapter One (Change Is Good?!)

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My Evil...
by VampireRoses1223