MandisÃa was a war zone once, attacked by the Miedless. The Great Warrior, along with Hector (her grandfather), saved it. But it is a human flaw to trip over the same stone twice, and so the Miedless were destined to return before they were defeated. Yet with no Great Warrior to defend them, assasinated at the ending of the first war, and Hector too old to be called to such a duty, who could they call? Apparently, a 18 year old girl who reads faster than she runs, daughter of the Great Warrior. Best part? She didn't even know it. As the threat of the Miedless lumbers upon all of MandisÃa, it is upon Nelia Inveckla to help the principal kingdom of Desvanecido. But they don't understand. Nelia is not a hero of any sorts, her physical condition is horrible and her social skills are beyond awkward- nothing like the confident, strong men the stories always show. Nelia is not a hero, hell she's not even a sidekick. *** 1st Draft so please excuse any errors or bad chapters.