Following Her Heart...
By bw_tardis
  • Action
  • assassion
  • child
  • death
  • director
  • experimented
  • following
  • foresee
  • fox
  • goth
  • heart
  • killer
  • lgbt
  • missions
  • prologue
  • silent
  • torture


Rune was raised to be a killer. A murderer. The place where she grew up, well, she wasn't the only one. There were a lot more than just her. And they were all experimented on, labeled as the Dominæ by the Improvers(the scientists that experimented on them). But she was like their baby. Special. But she's not alone. There are five others just as important as her. But she knows that one day she'll be ordered to do something horrible. Something even worse than anything she's ever had to do. That she will be pushed off of the edge. She knows this and the other five seem to know this two. So when she is put in charge of a certain mission and told to do something that she'd never imagined she'd ever have to do, will she be pushed off the edge? Because when she meets Aimee her whole life is changed. Amee is her mission. But will she reject her mission and not follow through? Will she run from the corporation that claims to own her? Will she follow her heart and do what she believes is right? WARNING: this story contains some romance between two women. If you don't like that please don't read. Thank you.

Chapter One

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by bw_tardis